
EdTech: Accessible and Affordable Education Opportunities

Breaking barriers by providing quality education for all, through an entertaining and gamified experience

UX/UI. Business Development.

The Client

An EdTech platform that aims to provide accessible and affordable education opportunities for underprivileged communities in Egypt.

The Solution

We developed an Ed-Tech Web Platform for our client offering a premium educational experience to K-12 underprivileged students in Egypt. The platform included school curricula, extracurricular, special certifications, and incentivisation strategies such as loyalty and gamification. The solution was expanded to encompass the entire educational system, including teachers and parents, creating a holistic educational experience.

The Challenge

In rural Egypt, students have limited access to quality education, and the client wanted to bridge that gap. However, the underprivileged communities in Egypt either lacked awareness of online education or had no access to the internet or couldn't afford it. In 2018, the client approached Robusta Studio to develop a solution.

The Process

The Impact

Innovative Incentivization Strategies icon

The platform incorporates innovative incentivisation strategies, including loyalty and gamification, to increase user engagement and enrollment rates. By offering users badges and levels as they progress through the platform, learning became more enjoyable and rewarding for students, further increasing their motivation to continue learning.

Breaking Barriers to Education icon

The platform helped break down barriers to accessible education for underprivileged students in rural Egypt. By providing a premium educational experience that is both affordable and accessible, the platform has expanded access to quality education for communities that may have otherwise been left behind.

Empowering Teachers and Parents icon

The platform's experience has expanded to include a holistic approach to education that encompasses the entire educational system, including teachers and parents. By offering development certifications for teachers and parenting content for parents, the platform empowers educators and caregivers to play a more active role in their students' education.

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